Big-O IT Services

Legal IT Services

Big-O IT Services makes keeping your law firm at the forefront of the best technology easier and more cost effective than ever. From high-speed internet, phone services, IT security and legal practices software, we have the scope to help your legal services practice reach peak performance by optimising your IT systems.

Legal Software

Our team can help with every facet of procurement, design, implementation and deployment of Legal Software for your practice. Taking into account the whole system not just the single piece of software means that your new system will be tightly integrated with everything in your environment.

Internet Services

Our Business Grade Internet Services are perfect for ensuring that your firms services all run at peak performance. With the internet being the conduit for all communication, cloud accounting platforms and backup of vital information, it's important to have a service that will be operational when required.

Phone Services

Ensuring your customers are able to contact your business is as important as the work you do. We have solutions that can provide Auto Attendant, Hunt Groups, Voicemail to Email, Integration into Microsoft Teams, and a host of other functions to suit your requirements.


We will evaluate your environment and offer a recommendation based on the hardware that will assist you getting the maximum performance out of your staff and your software. We also provide asset management and warranty services.

Security Services

Ensuring that your perimeter systems are protected by an up-to-date firewall is the first step towards having a secure environment. Additional security needs to be leveraged on each endpoint and for all cloud services.

Compliance Services

Many larger companies will require compliance when dealing with legal firms, we will work with your organisation to ensure that you achieve those compliance certifications.

Server Backup

We provide an offsite backup service for on-premises servers that need to be protected from a range of different threats. Our backup service resides on Microsoft's secure platform and allows restoration of files on request.

Office 365 Backup

Maintain peace of mind that your systems are safe and secure with our Office 365 Backup Service. Get a quote for piece of mind, Email/OneDrive & SharePoint data can be backed up to secure servers that are safe from outside threats.